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Jesus said to his followers “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” As a Church community we a committed to be a place where everyone is given space to grow as disciples by offering space to abide in his word and pray together


Bible Book Club

We have a small group of people who meet together to read the Bible together. We take it in turns to pick a book of the Bible to read at home and then meet on a  Friday afternoon to discuss what we thought of what we read. We are actively looking to create more Bible Book clubs so please e-mail if you are interested and say whether you would like to join our Friday afternoon group or are looking to be part of one that meets at a different time.


Home Groups â€‹


We have a number of home groups happening  across the Benefice where we meet together to read our Bibles, pray and support each other.  We currently have


  • A Group that meets fortnightly on a  Morning in Stretton

  • A group that meets fortnightly on a Wednesday evening in Thurlaston (not technically in the Benefice but surprisingly central)  


If you would like to join one of these groups or are interested in being part of a new group (we are always looking to start new groups up) please e-mail Phil 



Jesus taught that 'For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also' (Matthew 6:21)  and so giving financially to the mission of our Churches  is a in fact an act of discipleship. We are trying to make this something that it is easy to do and you can now donate to each Church online. 


Go to the Giving Page on this website to find the links to each churches online donation page. 



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Sermon catalogue â€‹


We try to make as many of our sermons available online as possible, so that if you are unable to join us at a service you can still access the Bible reading and teaching that we enjoy together on a Sunday. 


You can access our Sermon Catalogue here   

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