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When God created the world, he created one person and said, ‘it is not good for the man to be alone’, so God created another person so that they would live in community with each other. We believe that God created us all to be in community, in community with him and in community with each other. Much of what we do is about creating community so that we can take joy and comfort from being together and building each other up.


Some ways that we try to build life giving relationships across the benefice include:


The All Saints Coffee Stop 


Every Thursday  between 10am and 12noon we have our Coffee Stop in Stretton Village Hall. It's a space for the local community to meet together for a chat over a cuppa and a cake. All are very welcome.


Volunteers always welcome!



Men's Breakfast & Ladies' Fellowship


On the second Saturday of the month at 8.30am in the Oak and Black Dog pub in Stretton we hold our monthly men’s breakfast.  This is a space for men to come together for a chat over a fry up and hear a short talk on a variety of subjects.  


On the second Thursday of the month from 2-4pm in the Stretton Village Hall, the ladies fellowship meets. It is a space for ladies to meet up and chat over refreshments before listening to a guest speaker together.

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Farmers Market 


On the First Thursday  between 10am and 12noon we have our monthly Farmers Market at St Peter's Grandborough, featuring a number of stalls selling local produce from local producers as well as our popular café with space to catch up with friends over a cup of tea or coffee and a cake.   â€‹



Soup Social 


On the fourth Saturday of the month from 12-2pm in Willoughby Village Hall we hold our Soup Social, a space to enjoy some food together with people from around the local community.

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